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Freshmail - simple answer for the question why email marketing is king

Among marketers one can find a popular opinion that advertising messages should be personalized and targeted only to a select group of customers who are interested in acquiring a particular product or service. For this reason, some marketers are wondering why email marketing is king. In response to this question, software solutions developed by Freshmail can help. With ready-made IT solutions, users can create their own templates for mailing including media files or other personalized content that can increase customer engagement, measured by sales volume. Why email marketing is king? First of all, because customers now primarily use e-mail services, so personalized mailings with their particular purchase offer is more likely to have an impact on their buying habits. Mailings can be tailored to the purchasing habits of customers who purchase specific products or services on specific days of the week and at specific times. Using this knowledge in practice will make online stores more profitable due to e-mails sent at this specific time.

Kategoria: Branże / Inne Usługi Dodane: 2017-07-03
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